Upgrading to Version 3

We strive to record all potential breaking changes. However, as some of these changes occur in lesser-known areas of the library, only a fraction of them might have an impact on your application.

If you encounter any changes not documented here that have affected you, please create a bug report on the LdapRecord-Docs repository so that we can address the issue promptly.

High Impact Changes

Updating Dependencies

PHP >= 8.1.0 Required

LdapRecord-Laravel v3 now requires PHP 8.1.0 or greater.

Laravel >= 8.0 Required

LdapRecord-Laravel now requires Laravel version 8.0 or greater.

LdapRecord v3

The core LdapRecord repository has been updated to version 3.

Please visit the upgrade guide to see any changes in the core that may have an impact on your application.

Composer Dependencies

You should update the following dependency in your application's composer.json file:

"directorytree/ldaprecord-laravel": "^3.0"

Strict PHP Types Implemented

LdapRecord-Laravel (and the core LdapRecord repository) now has strict types implemented in all classes for all methods and properties.

If you've created your own models, scopes, or have extended any other class from either repository, you will need to adjust any overridden properties or methods with their respective types.

Configuration Updates

The logging configuration options have been moved to an array. You may either republish your configuration file by deleting the existing one (config/ldap.php) and running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LdapRecord\Laravel\LdapServiceProvider"

Or, by updating the option manually:

// config/ldap.php

return [
    // ...

-   'logging' => true,
-   'logging_channel' => 'stack',

+   'logging' => [
+       'enabled' => true,
+       'channel' => 'stack',
+   ],

Medium Impact Changes

LdapRecord\Laravel\Auth\Rule changes

The LdapRecord\Laravel\Auth\Rule abstract class has been moved to an interface and the isValid method has also been renamed to passes, which now accepts an LdapRecord Model as the first parameter and an Eloquent Model as the second:

namespace App\Ldap;

use LdapRecord\Models\Model as LdapRecord;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;

use LdapRecord\Laravel\Auth\Rule;

- class MyRule extends Rule
+ class MyRule implements Rule
     * Determine if the rule passes validation.
-    public function isValid();
+    public function passes(LdapRecord $user, Eloquent $model = null): bool
        // ...

Low Impact Changes

"Make" Command Changes

The make:ldap-* methods have been renamed:

- php artisan make:ldap-rule
+ php artisan ldap:make:rule
- php artisan make:ldap-model
+ php artisan ldap:make:model
- php artisan make:ldap-scope
+ php artisan ldap:make:scope


The Validator class has had the fails method removed, and the passes() method now accepts an LdapRecord Model as the first parameter, and an Eloquent Model as the second:

+ use LdapRecord\Models\Model as LdapRecord;
+ use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;

class Validator
    // ...
-    public function passes();
+    public function passes(LdapRecord $user, Eloquent $model = null): bool;
-    public function fails();
Generated on March 17, 2024
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