Available Search Methods (API)

Method Listing


Add a server control to be executed with the LDAP search query:

$query = $connection->query();

    $oid = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.417', $isCritical = true, $value = null

// array:1 [▼
//  "1.2.840.113556.1.4.417" => array:3 [▼
//    "oid" => "1.2.840.113556.1.4.417"
//    "isCritical" => true
//    "value" => null
//  ]
// ]


Add a filter with its bindings to the query:

Available types are and, or and raw.

$query = $connection->query();

$bindings = [
    'field' => 'cn',
    'operator' => '=',
    'value' => 'Steve Bauman',

$query->addFilter($type = 'and', $bindings);


Add an attribute to be selected for the query:

$query = $connection->query();

// Using arguments:
$query->addSelect('foo', 'bar', 'baz');

// Using an array:
$query->addSelect(['sn', 'givenname']);

// array:7 [▼
//   0 => "cn"
//   1 => "foo"
//   2 => "bar"
//   3 => "baz"
//   4 => "sn"
//   5 => "givenname"
//   6 => "objectclass"
// ]


Add a nested "and" filter to the query:

$query = $connection->query();

$query->andFilter(function (\LdapRecord\Query\Builder $q) {
    $q->where('foo', '=', 'bar');
    $q->where('baz', '=', 'zal');

// "(&(foo=bar)(baz=zal))"
echo $query->getUnescapedQuery();


Cache the executed query until the given date has passed:

Pass true as the second argument to force flush the cache if the query has been executed before.

$query = $connection->query();

$until = new \DateTime('+1 day');

$query->cache($until, $flush = false);


Chunk a query

Important: This method is excellent for keeping memory usage low, since only the number of requested objects per chunk is kept in memory, not the entire result.

$connection->query()->chunk(1000, function ($objects) {
    foreach ($objects as $object) {
        // ...

You may also stop further chunks from being processed by returning false from the closure:

$connection->query()->chunk(1000, function ($objects) {
    // ...

    return false;

If you need to execute sub-queries inside of your chunk callback and you're working with an LDAP server that does not support it, you may pass in a fourth argument (or via the parameters name isolate) to run the chunk operation on it's own connection instance:

$connection->query()->chunk(1000, function ($objects) {
    // Model::where('...')->get();
}, isolate: true);

Once the chunk finishes (or an exception occurs), the dynamically created connection will be auto-closed.


Reset / clear all filters that have been added to the query:

$query = $connection->query();

$query->where('foo', '=', 'bar');


// array:3 [▼
//   "and" => []
//   "or" => []
//   "raw" => []
// ]


Delete an entry from the directory:

$query = $connection->query();

$query->delete('cn=John Doe,ou=Users,dc=local,dc=com');


Delete an attributes values from the directory:

$query = $connection->query();

$entry = 'cn=Accounting Users,ou=Groups,dc=local,dc=com';

// Delete all values from an attribute, for example,
// removing all members from a particular group:
$query->deleteAttributes($entry, ['member' => []]);

// Delete a specific value from an attribute, for example,
// removing a specific member from a particular group:
$member = 'cn=John Doe,ou=Users,dc=local,dc=com';

$query->deleteAttributes($entry, ['member' => [$member]]);


Execute a callback over each object from a chunked query (default 1000 per chunk):

$connection->query()->each(function ($object) {
    // ...

You may also specify a chunk size in the method's second parameter:

$connection->query()->each(function ($object) {
    // ...
}, $chunk = 500);

Similarly with chunk, you may pass in a fourth argument (or via its named parameter isolate), to run the chunk operation on it's own connection instance:

$connection->query()->each(function ($object) {
    // Model::where('...')->get();
}, isolate: true);

Once the underlying chunk finishes (or an exception occurs), the dynamically created connection will be auto-closed.


Prepare a value to be escaped:

This method accepts the same parameters as the built in PHP ldap_escape method.

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns instance of:
// LdapRecord\Models\Attributes\EscapedValue
$value = $query->escape('value', $ignore = '', $flags = 0);

// Prepare the value to be escaped for use in a distinguished name:

// Prepare the value to be escaped for use in a filter:

// Prepare the value to be escaped for use in a distinguished name and filter:

// Set the characters to ignore:

// Get the escaped value:

// Can also be casted to string:
(string) $value;


Find an entry in the directory by its distinguished name:

$query = $connection->query();

if ($entry = $query->find('cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com')) {
    // Found entry!
} else {
    // Not found.


Find the first matching entry in the directory by the given attribute and value:

$query = $connection->query();

if ($entry = $query->findBy('samaccountname', 'johndoe')) {
    // Found entry!
} else {
    // Not found.


Find the first matching entry in the directory by the given attribute and value or fail:

$query = $connection->query();

try {
    $entry = $query->findByOrFail('samaccountname', 'johndoe');
} catch (\LdapRecord\Models\ModelNotFoundException $ex) {
    // Not found.


Find many entries in the directory by an array of Distinguished Names:

$query = $connection->query();

$entries = $query->findMany([
    'cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com',


Find many entries in the directory by the given attribute and values:

$query = $connection->query();

$entries = $query->findManyBy('samaccountname', ['johndoe', 'janedoe', 'sbauman']);


Find an entry in the directory by its distinguished name or fail:

$query = $connection->query();

try {
    $entry = $query->findOrFail('cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com');
} catch (\LdapRecord\Models\ModelNotFoundException $ex) {
    // Not found.


Get the first resulting entry of a query from the directory:

$query = $connection->query();

$entry = $query->whereStartsWith('cn', 'Steve')->first();


Get the first resulting entry of a query from the directory or fail:

$query = $connection->query();

try {
    $entry = $query->whereStartsWith('cn', 'Steve')->first();
} catch (\LdapRecord\Models\ModelNotFoundException $ex) {
    // Not entries returned.


Important: Your LDAP server must support Virtual List View.

The forPage supports the same arguments and executes the same underlying query as the slice method, but it will return query results directly, instead of being wrapped in a Slice object:

$query = $connection->query();

$results = $query->forPage($page = 1, $perPage = 1000);


Get the resulting entries of a query from the directory:

Important: If you expect to have more than 1000 entries returned from your query, use the paginate method instead, which will return all entries.

$query = $connection->query();

$entries = $query->where('company', '=', 'Acme')->get();


Get the query cache (if set):

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns null or instance of LdapRecord\Query\Cache:
$cache = $query->getCache();


Get the underlying connection the query is executing on:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns instance of LdapRecord\Connection:
$conn = $query->getConnection();


Get the base Distinguished Name that the query is executing on:

$query = $connection->query();


// Returns 'ou=Users,dc=local,dc=com':
$base = $query->getDn();


Get the filters that have been added to the query:

$query = $connection->query();

$query->where('company', '=', 'Acme');

// array:3 [▼
//   "and" => array:1 [▼
//     0 => array:3 [▼
//       "field" => "company"
//       "operator" => "="
//       "value" => LdapRecord\Models\Attributes\EscapedValue
//     ]
//   ]
//   "or" => []
//   "raw" => []
// ]


Get the underlying query grammar instance:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns instance of LdapRecord\Query\Grammar:
$grammar = $query->getGrammar();


Get the raw, escaped LDAP query filter:

$query = $connection->query();

$query->where('company', '=', 'Acme');

// Returns '(company=\41\63\6d\65)'
$filter = $query->getQuery();


Get the selected attributes of the query:

Important: objectclass will always be included in the returned array.

$query = $connection->query();

// array:1 [▼
//   0 => "objectclass"
// ]

$query->select(['cn', 'mail', 'givenname']);

// array:4 [▼
//   0 => "cn"
//   1 => "mail"
//   2 => "givenname"
//   3 => "objectclass"
// ]


Get the type of LDAP query to be executed, either search, list or read:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns 'search':

// Returns 'list':

// Returns 'read':


Get the raw, unescaped LDAP query filter:

$query = $connection->query();

$query->where('company', '=', 'Acme');

// Returns '(company=Acme)'
$filter = $query->getUnescapedQuery();


Determine if the query has a specific LDAP control OID added:

$query = $connection->query();

if ($query->hasControl($oid = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.417')) {
    // The query has a control added for the OID.


Determine if the query has any selects added:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns false:

$query->select(['cn', 'sn']);

// Returns true:


Sets the base Distinguished Name to perform a search upon.

Alias for the setDn method.

$query = $connection->query();

// Get all entries below the 'Users' OU:


Insert a new entry in the directory:

$query = $connection->query();

$dn = 'cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com';

$attributes = [
    'cn' => 'John Doe',
    'objectclass' => [

$query->insert($dn, $attributes);


Create attributes on an existing entry in the directory:

$query = $connection->query();

$dn = 'cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com';

$attributes = [
    'company' => 'Acme',

$query->insertAttributes($dn, $attributes);


Determine if a query builder is nested:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns false:

$query->andFilter(function ($q) {
    // Returns true:


Determine if a query builder has been paginated:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns false:

$results = $query->paginate();

// Returns true:


Set the maxmimum number of entries to be returned from the directory:

$query = $connection->query();

$results = $query->whereHas('cn')->limit(200)->get();


Perform an LDAP list operation, requesting only immediate children / leaf nodes of the query base:

$query = $connection->query();

// Only retrieve the immediate children / leaf nodes of the 'Groups' OU:
$groups = $query->in('ou=Groups,dc=local,dc=com')->list()->get();


Create a new query builder instance for the given model:

use LdapRecord\Models\ActiveDirectory\User;

$query = $connection->query();

$modelQuery = $query->model(new User);


Whether to mark the current query as nested:

Important: This affects how the query filter is generated.

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(cn=John)(sn=Doe)":
    ->where('cn', '=', 'John')
    ->where('sn', '=', 'Doe')

// Returns "(&(cn=John)(sn=Doe))"
    ->where('cn', '=', 'John')
    ->where('sn', '=', 'Doe')


Create a new query instance:

$query = $connection->query();

// Create and inherit the base DN from the previous instance:
$newQuery = $query->newInstace();

// Use a new base DN:
$newQuery = $query->newInstace('ou=Users,dc=local,dc=com');


Create a new nested query instance:

$query = $connection->query();

// New nested query builder:
$nested = $query->newNestedInstance();

// New nested query builder With a closure:
$nested = $query->newNestedInstance(function (Builder $query) {


Add a nested 'not' filter to the current query:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(!(cn=John Doe))":
$query->notFilter(function ($query) {
    $query->where('cn', '=', 'John Doe');


Order the results of the query by a given attribute:

$query = $connection->query();

// Order by 'cn' in ascending order:

// Order by 'cn' in descending order:
$query->orderBy('cn', 'desc');


Order the results of the query by a given attribute in descending order:

$query = $connection->query();



Add a nested 'or' filter to the current query:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(|(cn=John Doe))":
$query->orFilter(function ($query) {
    $query->where('cn', '=', 'John Doe');


Add an 'or where' clause to the query:

Important: If only a single "or" is added to the query with no other filters, it will be converted to a single filter instead.

// Returns "(cn=John)":
    ->orWhere('cn', '=', 'John')

// Returns "(|(cn=John)(sn=Doe))":
    ->where('cn', '=', 'John')
    ->orWhere('sn', '=', 'Doe')


Add an 'or where approximately equals' clause to the query:

// Returns "(cn~=John)"
    ->orWhereApproximatelyEquals('cn', 'John')

// Returns "(|(cn~=Sue)(cn~=John))"
    ->whereApproximatelyEquals('cn', 'Sue')
    ->orWhereApproximatelyEquals('cn', 'John')


Add an 'or where contains' clause to the query:

// Returns "(cn=*John*)"
    ->orWhereContains('cn', 'John')

// Returns "(|(cn=*Sue*)(cn=*John*))"
    ->whereContains('cn', 'Sue')
    ->orWhereContains('cn', 'John')


Add an 'or where ends with' clause to the query:

// Returns "(cn=*Doe)"
    ->orWhereEndsWith('cn', 'Doe')

// Returns "(|(cn=*Betty)(cn=*Doe))"
    ->whereEndsWith('cn', 'Betty')
    ->orWhereEndsWith('cn', 'Doe')


Add an 'or where equals' clause to the query:

// Returns "(cn=John Doe)"
    ->orWhereEquals('cn', 'John Doe')

// Returns "(|(cn=Suzy Doe)(cn=John Doe))"
    ->whereEquals('cn', 'Suzy Doe')
    ->orWhereEquals('cn', 'John Doe')


Add an 'or where has' clause to the query:

// Returns "(title=*)"

// Returns "(|(title=*)(department=*))"


Add an 'or where not contains' clause to the query:

// Returns "(!(title=*Accountant*))"
    ->orWhereNotContains('title', 'Accountant')

// Returns "(|(!(title=*Accountant*))(!(department=*Accounting*)))"
    ->whereNotContains('title', 'Accountant')
    ->orWhereNotContains('department', 'Accounting')


Add an 'or where not ends with' clause to the query:

// Returns "(!(cn=*Doe))"
    ->orWhereNotEndsWith('cn', 'Doe')

// Returns "(|(!(cn=*Betty))(!(cn=*Doe)))"
    ->whereNotEndsWith('cn', 'Betty')
    ->orWhereNotEndsWith('cn', 'Doe')


Add an 'or where not equals' clause to the query:

// Returns "(!(cn=John Doe))"
    ->orWhereNotEquals('cn', 'John Doe')

// Returns "(|(!(cn=Suzy Betty))(!(cn=John Doe)))"
    ->whereNotEquals('cn', 'Suzy Betty')
    ->orWhereNotEquals('cn', 'John Doe')


Add an 'or where not has' clause to the query:

// Returns "(!(title=*))"

// Returns "(|(!(title=*))(!(department=*)))"


Add an 'or where not starts with' clause to the query:

// Returns "(!(cn=John*))"
    ->orWhereNotStartsWith('cn', 'John')

// Returns "(|(!(cn=Suzy*))(!(cn=John*)))"
    ->whereNotStartsWith('cn', 'Suzy')
    ->orWhereNotStartsWith('cn', 'John')


Add a "or where" clause to the query without escaping the value, useful when values can contain distinguished names or GUIDs:

$query = $connection->query();

    ->whereRaw('objectguid', '=', '270db4d0-249d-46a7-9cc5-eb695d9af9ac')
    ->orWhereRaw('objectguid', '=', '878ce8b7-2713-41a9-a765-5e3905ab5ef2');

Add an 'or where starts with' clause to the query:

// Returns "(cn=John*)"
    ->orWhereStartsWith('cn', 'John')

// Returns "(|(cn=Suzy*)(cn=John*))"
    ->whereStartsWith('cn', 'Suzy')
    ->orWhereStartsWith('cn', 'John')


Add an 'or where starts with' clause to the query:

// Returns "(cn=John*)"
    ->orWhereStartsWith('cn', 'John')

// Returns "(|(cn=Suzy*)(cn=John*))"
    ->whereStartsWith('cn', 'Suzy')
    ->orWhereStartsWith('cn', 'John')


Paginate the query by the given limit, returning all results from the LDAP directory:

This will allow you to exceed the LDAP max result limit of (usually) 1000.

$query = $connection->query();

// Paginate by default 1000:
$results = $query->paginate();

// Paginate by a specific amount:
$results = $query->paginate(500);


Execute a raw filter query on the connection:

$query = $connection->query();

$results = $query->query('(cn=John Doe)');


Add a raw LDAP search filter to the query:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(&(cn=Contoso)(sn=Doe*))"


Set the query to read a single search result using the query's base DN (using ldap_read):

Queries executed with read() will only return a maximum of one result.

$query = $connection->query();

$entry = $query->setDn('cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com')->read()->first();


Set the query to include recursive search results (using ldap_search):

This is the default search query operation.

$query = $connection->query();

$results = $query->recursive()->get();


Rename or move an object. Performs an ldap_rename under the hood:

// Rename an object:
    $dn = 'cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com',
    $newRdn = 'cn=Johnathon Doe',
    $newParentDn = 'dc=local,dc=com'

// Move an object:
    $dn = 'cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com',
    $newRdn = 'cn=John Doe',
    $newParentDn = 'ou=Users,dc=local,dc=com'


Set the attributes to return from the directory:

Important: By selecting only the attributes you need, you can effectively reduce memory usage on large query result sets.

$query = $connection->query();

// Only return the 'cn' and 'sn' attributes in result
$query->select(['cn', 'sn'])->get();


Set the cache instance to use for the query:

The cache instance must extend LdapRecord\Query\Cache.

$query = $connection->query();



Set the connection instance to use for the query:

$query = $connection->query();

$newConnection = new Connection($config = ['...']);



Sets the base Distinguished Name to perform a search upon.

$query = $connection->query();

// Get all entries below the 'Users' OU:


Set the underlying query Grammar instance:

The given instance must extend the built-in LdapRecord\Query\Grammar.

$query = $connection->query();

$myGrammarInstance = new Grammar();



Important: Your LDAP server must support Virtual List View.

To get a "page" of an LDAP query to conserve memory and retrieve results quickly, you may use the slice() method.

A Slice object will always be returned with the query results that can be retrieved via the items() method.

Note: Your query must search less than 10,000 records (this is a configurable limit in Active Directory).

$query = $connection->query();

$slice = $query->slice($page = 1, $perPage = 100): \LdapRecord\Query\Slice;

$slice->items(): array|\LdapRecord\Query\Collection;

$slice->total(): int;

$slice->perPage(): int;

$slice->currentPage(): int;

$slice->hasMorePages(): bool;

$slice->hasPages(): bool;

$slice->onFirstPage(): bool;

$slice->onLastPage(): bool;

$slice->isEmpty(): bool;

$slice->isNotEmpty(): bool;


If you want to ensure a query returns only a single matching result, you may use the sole() method.

If nothing is returned, an ObjectsNotFoundException will be thrown.

If more than one record is returned, a MultipleObjectsFoundException will be thrown.

$query = $connection->query();

try {
    $object = $query->where('cn', '=', 'John Doe')->sole();
} catch (\LdapRecord\Query\ObjectsNotFoundException $e) {
    // Nothing was returned from the query.
} catch (\LdapRecord\Query\MultipleObjectsFoundException $e) {
    // Multiple objects were returned from the query.


Update an entry with the given modifications. Performs an ldap_modify_batch under the hood:

$query = $connection->query();

$dn = 'cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com';

$modifs = [
        'attrib'  => 'telephoneNumber',
        'modtype' => LDAP_MODIFY_BATCH_ADD,
        'values'  => ['+1 555 555 1717'],

$query->update($dn, $modifs);


Replace / update an entry's attribute(s) with the given value(s). Performs an ldap_mod_replace under the hood:

$query = $connection->query();

$dn = 'cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com';

// Remove the users telephone number:
$query->replace($dn, ['telephoneNumber' => []]);

// Replace the users telephone number:
$query->replace($dn, ['telephoneNumber' => ['+1 555 555 1717']]);


Add a "where" clause to the query, searching for objects using the given attribute, operator, and value:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(cn=John Doe)"
$query->where('cn', '=', 'John Doe')->getUnescapedQuery();


Add a "where approximately equals" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute is around the given value:

$query = $connection->query();

$query->whereApproximatelyEquals('givenName', 'John');

// Returns "(givenName~=John)"

The approximately equals operator is great for performing "sounds like" search operations.

For example, the above query would match entries with givenName values of either John or Jon.


Add a "where between" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute is between the given values:

$query = $connection->query();

$from = (new DateTime('October 1st 2016'))->format('YmdHis.0\Z');
$to = (new DateTime('January 1st 2017'))->format('YmdHis.0\Z');

$query->whereBetween('whencreated', [$from, $to]);

// Returns "(&(whencreated>=20161001000000.0Z)(whencreated<=20170101000000.0Z))"


Add a "where contains" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute contains the given value:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(title=*Accountant*)"
$query->whereContains('title', 'Accountant')->getUnescapedQuery();


Set an OID server control that will be sent with the query to instruct the LDAP server to include deleted objects in the result set, and add a (isDeleted=TRUE) clause to the query, effectively returning only deleted objects.

$query = $connection->query();

$onlyDeleted = $query->whereDeleted()->get();


Add a "where ends with" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute ends with the given value:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(title=*Accountant)"
$query->whereEndsWith('title', 'Accountant')->getUnescapedQuery();


Add a "where equals" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute equals the given value:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(department=Accounting)"
$query->whereEquals('department', 'Accounting')->getUnescapedQuery();


Add a "where has" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute exists, or is not empty:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(department=*)"


Add a "where in" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute contains any of the given values:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(|(name=john)(name=mary)(name=sue))"
$query->whereIn('name', ['john', 'mary', 'sue'])->getUnescapedQuery();


Add a "where doesn't contain" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute does not contain the given value:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(!(telephoneNumber=*555*))"
$query->whereNotContains('telephoneNumber', '555')->getUnescapedQuery();


Add a "where doesn't end with" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute does not end with the given value:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(!(mail=@local.com))"
$query->whereNotEndsWith('mail', '@local.com')->getUnescapedQuery();


Add a "where doesn't equal" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute does not contain the given value:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(!(department=Accounting))"
$query->whereNotEquals('department', 'Accounting')->getUnescapedQuery();


Add a "where doesn't have" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute does not exist, or is empty:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(!(mail=*))"


Add a "where doesn't start with" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute does not start with the given value:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(!(cn=John*))"
$query->whereNotStartsWith('cn', 'John')->getUnescapedQuery();


Add a "where" clause to the query without escaping the value, useful when values can contain distinguished names or GUIDs:

$query = $connection->query();

$query->whereRaw('objectguid', '=', '270db4d0-249d-46a7-9cc5-eb695d9af9ac');


Add a "starts with" clause to the query, searching for objects where the attribute starts with the given value:

$query = $connection->query();

// Returns "(cn=John*)"
$query->whereStartsWith('cn', 'John')->getUnescapedQuery();


Set an OID server control that will be sent with the query to instruct the LDAP server to include deleted objects in the result set:

$query = $connection->query();

$resultsWithDeleted = $query->withDeleted()->get();
Generated on September 7, 2024
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