LdapRecord-Laravel v3.0.0 Release Notes

We're excited to announce the release of LdapRecord-Laravel v3.0.0! This major version introduces changes and improvements, focusing on stricter typing, utilizing new PHP features and methods, updated dependencies, and a new import and authentication configuration option. Please review the following release notes to understand the new features and changes.

Key Features and Changes

PHP >= 8.1 Requirement

LdapRecord-Laravel v3 now requires PHP version 8.1 or higher to take advantage of the latest language features, optimizations, and security improvements. The whole codebase has been reviewed and refreshed with usage of new language features where applicable.

Laravel >= 8.0 Requirement

LdapRecord-Laravel v3 now requires Laravel version 8.0 or higher to take advantage of the latest framework features, optimizations, and security improvements.

Strict Types Implementation

We've implemented strict types across all classes and methods to enforce better type safety and catch potential errors during development. This will lead to more robust and maintainable code.

New Import and Authentication Options

  • A new min-users command option has been added to the ldap:import command, allowing to you set a minumum number of users to be returned by your LDAP server before importing users and performing soft-deletes.
  • A new scopes configuration option has been made available to be added to your authentication provider in your config/auth.php file. This allows you to add model query scopes to refine/restrict the users who may authenticate into your application.
Generated on May 13, 2024
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