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Group Management (Active Directory)


To create a new Active Directory group, only a common name is required (cn):


use LdapRecord\Models\ActiveDirectory\Group;

$group = Group::create(['cn' => 'Accounting']);

To create a group inside of a particular Organizational Unit (OU), call the inside() method:

$group = (new Group)->inside('ou=Office Groups,dc=local,dc=com');

$group->cn = 'Accounting';



When you create or locate a group on your directory, the members relationship is available to you on the model instance.

Getting Members

To get the immediate members of a group on your directory call the members relationship, and then get():

$group = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$members = $group->members()->get();

When getting members, a collection of various model objects may be returned, such as:

  • LdapRecord\Models\ActiveDirectory\User
  • LdapRecord\Models\ActiveDirectory\Group
  • LdapRecord\Models\ActiveDirectory\Contact

To use different models, override the members relationship.

Getting Members Recursively

Very often we use groups that are apart of other groups, that include members.

To retrieve these nested members, call the recursive() method, prior to get():

$group = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$allMembers = $group->members()->recursive()->get();

Adding Members

In Active Directory, valid group members are other groups, users and contacts.

To add members to a group, call the members relationship, and then the attach() method:

You must provide a Model instance into the attach() method.

$group = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$user = User::find('cn=John Doe,dc=local,dc=com');


If the model was successfully added, or the model is already a member of the group, the attach() method will return the model instance you passed into it:

$office = $accounting->members()->attach(
    Group::create(['cn' => 'Office'])

// Displays 'cn=Office,dc=local,dc=com'
echo $office->getDn();

Adding Multiple Members

To add multiple members at once, provide an array of models to the attachMany() method:

$accounting = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$accountants = User::in('ou=Accountants,ou=Users,dc=local,dc=com')->get();


Removing Members

To remove members on a group, call the members relationship, and then detach():

You must provide a Model instance into the detach() method.

$group = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$user = $group->members()->where('cn', '=', 'Steve Bauman')->first();


Removing Multiple Members

To remove multiple members at once, provide an array of models to the detachMany() method:

$group = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$members = $group->members()
                 ->where('department', 'contains', 'Office')


Removing All Members

To remove all immediate members from the group, call the detachAll() method:

A collection of all removed members will be returned.

$group = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$removed = $group->members()->detachAll();

foreach ($removed as $member) {
    echo "Removed: " . $member->getDn();


When you create or locate a group on your directory, the groups relationship is available to you on the model instance.

Getting Groups

To get the immediate groups that a particular group is apart of on your directory call the groups relationship, and then get():

$group = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$groups = $group->groups()->get();

Getting Groups Recursively

When you have a group that is apart of many parent groups in a hierarchy, you may need to retrieve these.

Call the recursive() method, prior to get() to retrieve them:

$group = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$allGroups = $group->groups()->recursive()->get();

Adding Groups

To add groups to a particular group, call the attach() method on the groups relation:

You must provide a Model instance into the attach() method.

$accounting = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$office = Group::find('cn=Office,dc=local,dc=com');


Adding Multiple Groups

To add multiple groups at once, provide an array of models to the attachMany() method:

$accounting = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$officeGroups = Group::in('ou=Office,ou=Groups,dc=local,dc=com')->get();


Removing Groups

To remove groups on a particular group, call the groups relationship, and then detach():

You must provide a Model instance into the detach() method.

$accounting = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$officeGroup = $accounting->groups()->where('cn', '=', 'Office')->first();


Removing Multiple Groups

To remove multiple groups at once, provide an array of models to the detachMany() method:

$accounting = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$officeGroups = $accounting->groups()


Removing All Groups

To remove all immediate groups of a particular group, call the detachAll() method:

A collection of all removed groups will be returned.

$accounting = Group::find('cn=Accounting,dc=local,dc=com');

$removed = $accounting->groups()->detachAll();

foreach ($removed as $group) {
    echo "Removed: " . $group->getDn();
Generated on May 13, 2024
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